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Opening times: By arrangement Ages 12 and above
Avalanche Adventure
Welford Road
Market Harborough
LE16 9UJ.
Tel: 01858 880 613
Contact Avalanche Adventure
5 minute Hover Challenge
Take to the air in a two-seat Schweizer 300 helicopter and try mastering the art of hovering!
You will be briefed on the basic principles of hovering a helicopter, and then will be walked out to your aircraft where you will take the hover challenge!
In the aircraft you will have a go at hovering the helicopter with each control individually and if you can master that your flight instructor may try you on more than one control simultaneously!
Hovering is one of the most difficult things to master so take the challenge today and see if you can hover on all the controls for more than one minute!
You efforts will be scored, along with your team mates, to give an overall team total for this event.
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